Starts: Wednesday 4th September
Half Term: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November (inclusive)
Ends: Wednesday 11th December
Inset Days: Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September
Starts: Wednesday 8th January
Half Term: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February (inclusive)
Ends: Wednesday 2nd April
Inset Days: Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th January
Starts: Tuesday 22nd April
Half Term: Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May
Ends: Friday 11th July
Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May
FEES 2023-2024
3 days per week = £1,246.35 per term
4 days per week = £1,660.05 per term
5 days per week = £2,079 per term
Sessions run from Monday to Friday from: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm for children over 3 y.o. 9:15 am to 12:30 pm for 2.5 y.o.
Our fees are averaged out over the year so that you pay the same amount each term - unless you add or reduce your days.
Children qualify for Universal Early Education Funding from the term after their third birthday.
From the term after their third birthday, children are required to attend at least 4 sessions per week.
For more information on Universal Early Education Funding, please click here.
4 days per week = £763.35 per term
5 days per week = £1041.60 per term
Our fees include a healthy balanced snack - including a selection of fruits and vegetables from Riverford, high teacher:child ratio, qualified Montessori staff and regular one to one lessons.
Ad Hoc session £36.75
Clubs run from 12:15 until 3pm.
Our fees are averaged out over the year so that you pay
the same amount each term - unless you add or reduce your clubs.
1 Club per week = £381.15 per term
2 Clubs per week = £756 per term
3 Clubs per week = £1132.95 per term
4 Clubs per week: £1510. 95 per term
FUNDED CLUBS FEES (for over 3s)
Families can check their eligibility to the 30 hours free childcare scheme here and apply for their 30 hours code.
1 Club per week = £260.40 per term
2 Clubs per week = £513.45 per term
3 Clubs per week = £769.65 per term
4 Clubs per week: £1025.85 per term
Ad Hoc session £36.75
From 8:30am to 9:30am
£6.83 per session​
You may be eligible to access funding and childcare support for your child attending Hummingbirds.
The childcare choices website will help you navigate what are the schemes available in the UK and provide links to check your eligibility.
These are the schemes we offer at Hummingbirds Montessori School:
2 y.o funding for eligible families - used for core sessions
15 hours funding or Early Education Funding - used for core sessions
30 hours funding or Extended Funding - used for afternoon clubs
Note that this schemes cover "educational hours". Fees apply to our organic snack, highly trained staff, higher staff:child ratio, etc. Cf fees section above.
You can pay your fees through:
Tax Free Childcare
Universal Credit/Tax Credit Schemes
Childcare Vouchers
Workplace Nursery Benefit Schemes
If you have any questions related to funding or fees, feel free to email us at info@hummingbirdseducation.com